Managing Your Hops Just Got a Whole Lot Easier

Managing Your Hops Just Got a Whole Lot Easier

 //  August 7, 2017

Hopsteiner is excited to announce its first-ever web-based hop purchasing system.

The new Hopsteiner Customer Portal provides brewers in the United States, Canada and Mexico with the ability to search and purchase available hop varieties, track orders, access hops invoices and contracts, and manage their account. The new Customer Portal is a convenient tool that provides customers with real-time data and reporting that helps them make better–informed decisions.

We interviewed Richard Shaye, Hopsteiner’s Manager of Exports and Transactions, who answered some key questions about the Customer Portal and what you need to know to start using this new business tool.

What is the new Hopsteiner Customer Portal and what does it do?

The new Customer Portal is a web-based access point that provides customers with key features that will open a world of convenience. With the Customer Portal, customers can access their past, current, and future crop contracts, place orders from current spot availability, view order history, track shipments, and see copies of paid and open invoices.

Perhaps the best part is that the Customer Portal is easily accessible from any device, anywhere, and your information can be easily exported as PDF or Excel for easy local storage, and data manipulation for reporting.

Can anyone join?

The Customer Portal is accessible to both current and new Hopsteiner customers. It’s very easy to join. Users first create an account at our Customer Portal webpage. If the user is already a customer, all they need to do is answer the authentication questions at the time of sign-up, and their account will be automatically linked to their existing account on our system, complete with their past and current contracts.

How do you access the Customer Portal?

By visiting or by visiting our website and clicking on the padlock icon in the top right corner.

Are customers able to see what hops are available for purchase?

Yes! Customers in the U.S., Canada and Mexico are currently able to access our available spot list to view hops availability and pricing. Our customers outside of these countries are still able to access their contract list and submit call-off instructions from their contracts, and can work with our export team to coordinate shipments. The reason for this is other destinations require additional handling and customs documents, so access to the available hops price list is currently restricted.

Customer Portal - Hops Buying Page

Are customers able to purchase hops?

Absolutely. If a customer is in the U.S., Canada or Mexico, they can use the “add-to-cart” feature from our available spot list. And they’ll be happy to see how hops can be purchased in different packaging sizes – 5, 11, and 44 pounds. Plus, they can select different options for freight and track shipments.

Does the Customer Portal save payment information?

It does! And we take our customers’ privacy and security very seriously. As a result, we have teamed up with ChargeLogic, a PCI-validated and certified credit card processor, to build in a unique page within our portal to capture our customers’ preferred credit card information. When a user provides their credit card information, our system captures only a “token” from ChargeLogic, and not any of the customer’s actual sensitive data, so private information remains private.

Customer Portal - Contracts

Where should customers direct their Customer Portal questions?

We have set up a dedicated email address where our customers can direct questions about the Customer Portal. Our goal is to reply within 24 business hours. Questions can be sent to:

Users also have the option to contact their sales representatives with any questions.

They can find Hopsteiner’s global sales representative contact details here:

What’s next for the Customer Portal?

Our team is dedicated to always improving the existing portal to best provide users with additional benefits and functionality. Soon, we will roll out the ability for our customers to view analytical information on products and orders. We’re also working on enhancing the portal for those customers who store hops with us and wish to use the portal more as an inventory management tool.

We’re also refining the ability for partner breweries to link with each other on the portal so that one brewery will be able to view and order directly from their partner/associated brewery.

Sign-up for our new Customer Portal today!

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